Stranded in a remote home in the rural fields of wine country where cell phone reception was almost non-existent and the nearest grocery store was a 30 minute drive. The scenery was beautiful and the company was second to none but the coffee was superior only to that of which you'd find in a rest home.
Amongst the 20 or so people in the group the majority had caught on to my early awakenings and awkward contraption I carried around. Slowly but surely word got out that I was enjoying a far superior coffee experience than the others present and so began the requests for morning coffee.
At this point I wasn't even aware that a business was about to happen, but when it came time to sell a subscription to my coffee curation service it was already clear that my customers weren't far.
With wallets involved I'd quickly separate the curious from the committed. 2 credit cards swiped and I was quickly on my way to the the place coveted by so many wantrepreneurs... a validated business.
Just one sale shy and no one else to reach out to in my general vicinity I quickly opened my phone book. Starting in the A's I found myself calling, texting, writing, and reaching out to old friends and family. It wasn't until I hit "Y" that I found my final paying customer and had a validated business. The beauty of this process is that the foundational principles haven't changed as I continue to grow this business.
For the full story visit:
Should you be reading this story and wishing that you could once again look forward to your mornings instead of dreading them... take a look a my soon to launch website at:
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