My mom REALLY wanted a website setup and running for her business. She´s a Feldenkrais practitioner in Austin, Texas. I live in Seoul, Korea. I told her I could help her with that, and asked if she was ok with WordPress (I'd had a lot of experience setting up sites and blogging with WordPress). She said yes, so I said ok, and then she said, "How much do I pay you?"
Success! I was so happy, I started brainstorming all these ways to help folks in her Feldenkrais cohort get their businesses up and online, and even started writing a workbook for entrepreneurs that would help them get started on the good foot on and off-line... We pitched it and no one bought...
Discouragement... However, I remembered that my mom just wanted a website, not a whole consulting service. So, I got onto Elance, and found someone who wanted a WordPress site. I also found someone else on another site that wanted to migrate to WordPress. I pitched both of them (complete strangers on the internet whom I've never met). Both of them said yes, and at double what my mom paid me!
This was three weeks ago, and I've already got another two clients that have made initial payments for services not yet rendered. Awesome again!
Don't create a product and then find a market. Find people who have posted on a forum and said "I WILL PAY FOR THIS!" and then do whatever THIS is. Phew. That was easy!
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